
Good Things of the Year 2008

A demanding heading. I'm not going lo list all the good things of the closing year, though. And I'm not going to list all the "Big Things", either. Just one thing and another. Actually delights are always "big things".

Such as
- student union's comments on the new curricula: in time and relevant
- AD - Active Directory: what a joy it was to log in with your own ID and password even in Rauma! Simple and easy for the user!
- draft of the Satakunta Higher Education web portal: a good step on the path of actual co-operation
- discussion on the student house in Pori: it's a common interest
- my autumn semester's collaborators: nice to do things together

And, of course, all the new and old people at work, either at SAMK or at partners. CU next year!



Season's greetings!

Last day before Christmas holidays! Still plenty to do - but also time (and understanding) to enjoy great co-workers' company!

This day it's time
- for graduation - congratulations to all our graduates!
- to say goodbye to a retiring fellow-worker
- to say goodbye and see you soon to a fellow-worker who is leaving for another unit
- to look and listen the greetings you have got - the traditional and the different. Thanks to all of you! And a special word of thanks to our student union for a very delighting and thoughtful present.
- to wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Generative discussions

I was writing an article - I had interviewed my own teacher (whom I already praised in my blog some time ago). We talked about having good discussions in classes. Do we dare to say our opinions, and are we able to be critical in a constructive way and help our colleagues and fellow students ahead? Are we able to discuss constructively, facilitate the discussion - and learn?

The main idea in our discussion was: let’s have generative discussions - let's generate things together, being on the same side. It's a question of being able to say half formed ideas aloud – so that we know there’s something to explore and we are there helping, not attacking. Are we facilitating the discussion? If the basis of e.g. teaching is that "this is correct and this is not correct" there is not something to discuss.

I began to think not just about teaching but discussing in general. Our meetings, our encounters.

Have a relaxing and constructive weekend!



The 2008 Student Survey

The report on the 2008 Student Survey is published - a last! The survey aimed to find out e.g what the degree students think about teaching and learning at SAMK. The students were asked also how they rate their well-being.

In total 1,265 students, i.e. 25 % of all students gave their feedback. The percentage is not high, but the absolute numbers are. Most of the students felt that SAMK is a good place to study. But, as said in the survey abstract, "inspite of the statistical research method - - - it is important to also pay attention to the minority views, so that we can find means of strenthening the students' motivation and commitment, for example - for those issues often play a role in the delays in studies and in dropping out".

The report of the survey will soon be on the net (and I shall add a link to it). The report is written in Finnish, but the abstract is also in English.

Feedback is given. Let's use it.
