
Good Things of the Year 2008

A demanding heading. I'm not going lo list all the good things of the closing year, though. And I'm not going to list all the "Big Things", either. Just one thing and another. Actually delights are always "big things".

Such as
- student union's comments on the new curricula: in time and relevant
- AD - Active Directory: what a joy it was to log in with your own ID and password even in Rauma! Simple and easy for the user!
- draft of the Satakunta Higher Education web portal: a good step on the path of actual co-operation
- discussion on the student house in Pori: it's a common interest
- my autumn semester's collaborators: nice to do things together

And, of course, all the new and old people at work, either at SAMK or at partners. CU next year!


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